Thursday, August 20, 2015

Raising Catterpilar to Butterfly

This quest started one day when I found out a caterpillar last year in my new grown calamansi plant. I decided to take care of the caterpillar and transfer it in temporary container since the plant was too small that there's no enough leaf for him to survive.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Should financial difficulties limit the ministry work?

Every activities costs money there is no such thing as free.  If you get to have something free, then someone paid the price so you can enjoy it freely.  

When the funds are limited what should I do then? It makes me feel sad how our own financial status limits us in doing our ministry work.  A number of times we had these experiences but I didn't give in to the situation not to continue an activity but rather we find ways and be creative to pursue a church project even in a very tight budget. Before, I am not used to encounter financial difficulties when I was living with my parents.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Throw Back Thursday - From Employee to Employer

I used to be an employee for some years before I started to run my own business. This is one of the chapters in my life I'd like to reminisce -  my days working at Pioneer Clinical Laboratory. I took the Medical Technology Board just few months after graduating and was blessed to have passed the Licensure Examination on my first take.  Few days after having the result. I was undecided if I should look out for a job, the other question was where would I go to work but definitely not abroad. You might wonder what limits me working outside the country. I was a PAMET-Safeguard Scholar and one of the agreement was I needed to serve my country for at least two years. This is also the reason why I am forced to look for a job as a Registered Medical Technologist, a sign of my gratitude and sincere appreciation for the privileges I had and it's my time to give back to the organization and for the country.

Going back, I remember I didn't have a hard time to do job hunting.  As soon as the results were released, a lot of employers called me to submit my resume and work for them.  To cut the long story, I chose Pioneer Laboratory because some of my classmates are already there working.  Others say I could have chosen a better job applying in hospitals where opportunities are greater but I know it was God's purpose why I was there.   

From Homeschooling to ALS Journey

Last year, was one of the major transitions for JC and Eu-La.  I decided to enroll them in the Alternative Learning System.  This is a curri...