Thursday, January 31, 2013

Look at how they grow

Lately I realized that sooner we'll no longer have a baby in the house.  After five years of being married we're blessed to have three lovely and so active children.  It always makes me smile remembering the first time I saw and hold them in my arms.  It brought a different warmth of feeling and such unexplainable joy!  It was one of the most precious moments I'll surely keep.

Given a chance to once more accept a well paid profession;I will no longer have any second thoughts

Saturday, January 19, 2013

My children had stomach flu

One Thursday night, my daughter throws her tantrums just before sleeping.  We're used to see her this way when she feels sleepy, what's unusual was she had an argument with her Dad that caused her to have negative feelings about him. All throughout the night she was restless, she would wake up crying, I was thinking that she is having bad dreams because of the incident with her Daddy.

In the morning she refused to smile at her Dad, still in bad mood and I noticed that she frequently burps and is about to throw up.  She usually drinks a glass of chocolate flavored milk after waking up.  After the drink she vomited.  I thought she is having gas pains same as in hyper acidity.  Anytime she eats or drinks it causes her throw up.  What I did was to give her food and water little by little at an interval to avoid vomiting.  It made me think that she is not having hyper acidity when she started to pass watery stools in the afternoon.  That made me consider she is having gastroenteritis.  Last year of the same month, she and her big brother had acute gastroenteritis and was hospitalized because of that.

Monday, January 14, 2013

On facing death...

Eternal Spring

Negative notions and feelings are often linked with the word death the reason why someone would opt not to discuss anything about it.  Some would say it is a horrible idea to talk about such things.  Others admittedly say they are not yet ready to face it nor talk about it.  We cannot shut our eyes in the reality that everyone will face it at no specific age, place, time and situation.  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

San Juan Batangas and Laiya Beach Experience

Batangas province is famous for beaches as our province is surrounded with waters.  For me, one of the best beach resorts are now in Laiya, San Juan, Batangas.  The nearest white beach in Manila that need not an airplane nor a boat ride to reach it.  To tell you honestly, I've never known that Batangas has white beaches too until I met my husband.  My partner4lyf was born and raised in San Juan Batangas at Barangay Palahanan 2.  What I only know before, that San Juan is the place to find a variety of beautiful clay pots in its cheapest price,most specially when buying in bulk. We usually drop by in San Juan just to buy clay pots and other stuffs made out of clay.  The pots sold here in Batangas City market were from San Juan Batangas.  Some of the potters and stall owners of clay pots in San Juan are relatives of my husband. And it never came to my senses that someday I'll be marrying a native from San Juan.  Whenever we had a chance to visit my pakner4lyf's place we will surely drop by there to look for pots and plants.

Photo taken at Rowena's shop, after the Typhoon Ofel

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Lessons from year 2012

God has been good for the past year and I know He will remain faithful on the coming years ahead!  Year 2012 has taught me more lessons in life.

Nothing is permanent in this world.  "Everything changes except the word change", a line from one of my high school teachers that I won't forget.  Year 2012 reminded me of this fact that things changes and people too.  We can never be assured of the things to come nor of the promises from the people.  This changing world could not offer security; only God does.  With this fact, I learned to accept that people may fail me and material things cannot satisfy my longings.  Everything in this world is temporary be it relationships, but things of above will remain for eternity.

From Homeschooling to ALS Journey

Last year, was one of the major transitions for JC and Eu-La.  I decided to enroll them in the Alternative Learning System.  This is a curri...