Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear


Do you have any fears?  Let me rephrase the question what are your fears?  Fear is a product of our insecurities.  Being just a human puts us in a situation where we cannot control all things in our hands and in the end this causes us to be anxious on the things we face or about to happen.

Last night a rumor started because of  a news that came out saying about a mysterious flesh eating disease that is happening somewhere in Pangasinan.  They are relating this incidence to some fulfilled prophecy from an individual. And this morning my Facebook news feed was full of these videos and I have noticed how this caused  fear to public.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not saying that it is wrong to feel fear.  But whenever we feel insecure or we are afraid what is the right thing to do about it?  Were you also afraid of this news that spread out?  How are we going to deal with it?  Let's see what we're going to do in the light of the Scriptures.

Fear is definitely not from the Lord. In 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV) it says:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Should we dwell on our fear?  No we are not to continuously live with our fears.  We should combat these negative feelings.  When we are in the Lord we have the security that God holds us in the palm of His hands and none can take us away from Him (John 10:29).  God offers us his love and this is the perfect kind of love we needed to wipe away all of our fears (I John 1:18).  You can get to experience this love by having a personal relationship with the Lord.  Ask him to live in your life and believe that He is your Savior.  He can save you in whatever situations you are in right now if you'll surrender your whole life in Him.  God offers us eternal security with Him.  For those who have this kind of relationship with the Lord, keep yourself reminded on the words of Lord.  He said, "Do not be afraid" this words were written a lot of times in the Bible.  Keep on holding to his promises because he is always true to it.
We don't need another messenger to say how the end is going to happen because the Bible already told us of the things that are about to come.  This man could somehow be right on his predictions on the disasters that happened in our country.  But still the Bible is the single authority that we are to follow and believe as it is the word of God.  How do you feel of Jesus' second coming?  Yes it is frightening that the earth is near to its end but on the second thought isn't it the day that we are to rejoice. This is the day all the saints will be joining together worshiping God and this also marks that our Savior will create a new heaven and earth all the forces of darkness is totally wiped out in earth because Satan will be bound in hell.  Isn't it the most grandest day?

I used to feel afraid hearing about this end times stuff and also death.  At some point I still have a little fear about these matters and some difficulties I have today.   But as I continue my Christian journey and learning His Words; I have this assurance and security whatever happens in my life God is under control.  Death is inevitable and everything will surely come to its end.  I have learned that earth is not my home because my real home is in heaven.  So whatever I have here in earth is just temporary.  Whatever comes first, Christ's second coming or my personal death - I am prepared for it.  It is the hope that I have with Christ, that after this life on earth I'll have the rest my days living with him where there's no more sorrow and pain.  Apostle Paul said, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."  Death is a sure gain when you have the assurance of heaven.

By the way about the news hype, Pangasinan's provincial health officer said that the flesh eating disease is not a mystery at all so there's no use to panic.  I just wonder why there are people who make news sensationalized.  What could be their motive anyway?

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